
10 Best Chess Books For Beginners

Best Chess Books For Beginners

Chess is one of the most popular hobbies of an individual which offers a sense of enjoyment and act in their idle time. Playing chess games allows one to refine their problem-solving skills and logical thinking. Moreover, it also helps in improving verbal knowledge and a person’s memory.

Additionally, playing chess overcomes psychological weakness which allows for self-improvement and personal growth of an individual. Engaging in chess helps to maintain cognitive health by reducing symptoms of brain conditions. It also helps us to be good in other aspects of life such as being focused, improving concentration and decision-making skill

For beginners who are starting with the game chess can be staggering, however with a clear strategy you will be able to make your first move in less time.

This blog explains the 10 best chess books for beginners which will provide you deep perception of openings and strategies to play chess.

List Of Top 10 Chess Books For Beginners

Let’s dive deep into the top 10 chess books for beginners.

1. Beginning Chess

Author: Bruce Pandolfini
Ideal For: Kids and adults

The “Beginning Chess” is a famous chess book for beginners offering a comprehensive and clear introduction to the basics of chess. Bruce Pandolfini is best known for his ability to elaborate complex concepts in an accessible manner. He is a USCF National master and the best chess coach in the US.

In this book, Pandolfini offers step-by-step guidance to the new players by making each step easier which will help the individual to learn and improve. It includes middle-game techniques, endgame basics, opening principles, and many more.

“Beginning Chess” explained the rules of the game such as which piece will move and when. This book also offers fundamental strategies like ensuring the king’s safety, controlling the center, and others. It also includes samples and exercises to help new players to practice and improve.

Pandolfini’s “Beginning Class” acts as a useful source for beginners who want a solid foundation in chess tactics and principles. It’s the best book for those who want simple explanations to improve their game.

2. Chess 101

Author: Dave Schloss
Ideal For: Kids and adults

The “Chess 101” is an ideal book for new players of all ages. Dave Schloss, the author, is a former city chess champion and college blitz chess champion. He is a renowned coach, author, and expert in this game. ‘

Firstly, the book “Chess 101” offers a comprehensive history of chess, basic rules, and ways to win the game. Then, he explained how to set up the chess board and offered tips on how to use each piece efficiently. This book also enables readers to analyze and record games by covering the basics of chess notation.

Moreover, the author introduces chess etiquette by discussing proper behavior during tournament games. It features puzzles and exercises to reinforce learning and improve the problem-solving skills of individuals.

3. Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess

Author: Bobby Fischer
Co-author: Stuart Margulies
Ideal For: Kids and adults

The “Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess” is one of the best-selling chess books of all time and over more than 1 million copies are sold globally. The author, Bobby Fischer is an eleventh World Chess Champion and well-known American chess grandmaster.

Fischer believes that a player must give more priority to their focus and concentration. He used to launch powerful attacks by using various techniques which he has mentioned in this book. He understands the chess theory and anticipates his opponent’s moves.

This book was published in 1966 and designed for beginners and intermediate players. The author first explained the basic rules of chess and summarized the components to be used such as pieces and chessboard. He elaborated on the tactical and checkmate patterns to help players recognize the strategy that led to checkmate.

The book “Bobby Fischer Teaches Class” also arranged exercises and lessons in a progressive manner. Any beginner looking for a fresh start to learn the chess game, then it is the best book.

4. Winning Chess Strategies For Kids

Author: Jeff Coakley
Ideal For: Kids

The “Winning Chess Strategies For Kids” is specifically published for kids aged 7-13 years old to help them improve their concentration and overall play in the game.

Coakley wrote this book to enable a reliable and accessible approach to a wide range of aspects of chess tactics. The author started with an introduction to the importance of piece activity, control of the center, etc. He also identifies and discusses common mistakes that the players make. In addition, he also included endgame methods, the strategy of the chess game, and many more.

5. The Steps Method

Author: Rob Brunia and Cor Van Wijgerden
Ideal For: Kids and adults

If you are looking for a full beginner’s chess book, then “The Step Method” is the best. This book features six training manuals and twenty workbooks which were written by two chess teachers. Rob Brunia and Cor Van Wijgerden are famous chess coaches, trainers, and educators who wrote creative effective teaching methods.

“The Step Method” chess book enables basic rules of chess and how pieces move. It also instructs to monitor the player’s progress as they learn important tactical motifs. For instance, pins, skewers, and forks.

Both the authors have also mentioned how to gain strategy development knowledge. This book is suitable for a variety of learners to enhance their endgame fundamentals and flexible implementation.

6. Logical Chess: Move by Move

Author: Irving Chernev
Ideal For: Adults

Irving Chernev was a devoted and national master-strength chess player born in Pryluky, Ukraine. He wrote 20 books on this game. Among these 20, “Logical Chess: Move by Move” is one of the classic chess books.

This book is highly recommended because the author explains a detailed analysis of 33 master games. He also mentioned each and every move offering insights into tactical and strategic decisions and improving mistakes and errors. It also covers significant concepts of pawn structure, attacking, defending, and many more.

7. Chess for Tigers

Author: Simon Webb
Ideal For: Kids and adults

The “Chess For Tigers” chess book adopts a unique strategy for chess skill development, emphasizing the outcome of the perfect play. Webb encourages players to build a confident mindset.

The author emphasizes more on practical advice such as the strategy of winning chess, playing strongest against the opponent, avoiding time trouble, and managing time. “Cheers For Tigers” is a valuable resource for tournament players who want to optimize their chess performance.

8. The Complete Book of Chess Strategy

Author: Jeremy Silman
Ideal For: Kids and adults

Jeremy Silman’s “The Complete Book Of Chess Strategy” is considered an excellent source for players who want an easy-to-understand chess book. It is structured like a dictionary book, meaning the whole book is organized alphabetically.

“The Complete Book Of Chess Strategy” covers a wide range of chess theories such as chess openings, middle game tactics, concepts, and many more. These books also made complex chess ideas easy to grasp. Moreover, it also covers defending techniques and psychological aspects of chess.

9. The Chess Player’s Bible

Author: James Eade
Ideal For: Kids and adult

James Eade is a popular American chess master, chess administrator, and chess book publisher. “The Chess Player’s Bible” is a strategy guide for chess players of all age groups. Eade published this guidance book in 2004.

“The Chess Player’s Bible” starts by covering the basics of fundamental techniques, checkmating patterns, and many more. This book also explains chess notations and puzzles which help players to practice, learn, and improve their chess skills.

10. Modern Chess Openings, 15th Edition

Author: Nick De Firmian
Ideal For: Adults

If you are looking for a deep knowledge of chess openings as beginners, then “Modern Chess Openings, 15th Edition” is one of the well-regarded chess books.

This Book offers a detailed explanation of each move, typical plans, and strategies. Not only this, you will also learn about the underlying ideas and goals of each opening in chess. It also offers a user-friendly format with organized sections and clear explanations.

The author also included that this book contains updated content that reflects recent trends and developments in chess opening theory.


Learning how to play chess will help to bring people together to share the same bond and passion for the game. In addition, it also offers children to develop essential character traits.

I hope these best 10 chess books for beginners will become your trusted companions to master this game and will help you enhance your skills and understand the complex strategies to improve your competitive edge.

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